Our latest streaming guides and articles

Ensure you’re putting into place the proper security measures to protect your meeting! As the use of Zoom has exploded so too has the incidents of uninvited guests and claims of serious security risks. These are more than rumors and should be taken seriously. Large meetings […]
Zoom is a great platform for meetings where you want to have multiple people who are able to share and talk. Zoom can work great for prayer meetings, board meetings, team meetings. Better yet they have a fantastic free plan that allows meetings up to 100 […]
We are living in a unique point in time. The coronavirus has brought countries all over the world to a stand still. Government restrictions mean that churches can no longer gather in person. How do we stay connected? How do we keep a sense of corporate […]
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Curious to know what it will take to get your meetings online?

There are many options available for churches to be able to stay connected to their community online. We can help you navigate the choices and find the right solution for the right meeting to keep your church community connected.

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